Sunday, December 21, 2008

It was Bipasha's worst day ever

Last Sunday was one of Bipasha's worst days ever. On Sunday afternoon Bipasha gave all her dear ones a scare when a flying pebble lodged itself straight inside her ear, almost tearing her eardrums.

Shuddering at the bizarre turns and twists of the day Bipasha says, "We were doing a heavyduty action scene when this gravel went right inside my ear. I had to be taken to Leelavati where it had to be sucked out. "

On the surface this doesn't sound serious. "But it wasn't on the surface. It went right in. And I couldn't move because there was the danger that it would go in deeper and pierce the eardrums.

First I tried to shake it out. Then when that didn't work I decided to let a doctor do the needful."

Sunday being an off day no doctors were available. "The producer and director tried everything. We finally headed towards Leelavati. It was John who got an old ENT specialist-friend of his to check me out. The sweet doctor was at another hospital. But he drove down to Leelavati and at 4.30 pm he finally put me out of my misery."

But it was good 3 hours of trauma for Bipasha. "Who would think such a thing would happen? Normally during an action scene you protect your knees, head, etc. But ear? It went straight in with a thud.

I wasn't moving I was so petrified the gravel would go deeper into my ear. My parents were petrified. The minute the doctor said it could be taken out I was okay. It was the most bizarre thing that ever happened to me."

That wasn't the end of Bipasha's Sunday trauma. "It was virtually double jeopardy for me on Sunday. After getting my ear rectified when my parents, sister and I returned home we got stuck in the lift while going up to my apartment. And my sister is claustrophobic. So I had to pretend to be calm for her sake until we were rescued."

Bipasha has marked Sunday 14 December as the most terrifying day of her life. " It was the most ridiculous and scary day of my life. And that too on a Sunday when I should've been relaxing. Instead I was doing impossible flips and rollovers ….until God decided to put a pebble in my sand…or should I say sound?"


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